Why are you a photographer?
I've always had a fascination with cameras...photos...stopping time with an image. Being a photographer was in my bloodline. I remember the day I purchased my first digital camera. I was fresh out of college (where we only studied film photography then), and I saved up money to buy a Nikon D50 camera with two kit lenses. I was SO excited! I remember my first gig, a friend of mine was getting married and she had all the faith in the world that I could photograph her wedding beautifully. I grabbed my best friend at the time, my kit lenses and baby D50 and we photographed that wedding from morning to night! The photos that I came away with were not perfection by any means, but they were special. They're images she still shares on social media today. Images of people close to her she has since lost. A collection of photos that she will cherish forever.
It was shortly after that wedding I knew I could do this for others. I knew I could give families from all over a chance to stop time and have something to cherish for years to come. A weekend trip away with one of my girlfriends and The Way You Smile Photography was born, established 2007. Now, flash forward to 2018 I introduce you all to Beth Marie Photography. It's the same photography business, you can expect the same style of photos, I was just ready for a business name that was more...me!
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